The team awoke this morning inspired by yesterday's ministries. Ideas of FOCUS and Bridges of Hope flooded their minds and hearts as we enjoyed our devotional led by Casey Smith.
How can we impact the lives of others, the way Bridges and FOCUS do?
The first step is to let God take control, which was a perfect cascade into Casey's focus. She captured the importance of being more concerned for God's glory than your own relief through scriptures and stories. In Psalm 34:19 we read that "many are the afflictions of the righteous, but The Lord delivers him out of them all." The group dissected how we, as humans, live our lives knowing, but not always acknowledging, that God knows and holds the outcome of our problems, yet we constantly take our decisions into our own hands. They reflected on the way of the world vs. the way of God, recognizing that if He leads us into something, He will lead us out. In anything and everything we do: all actions, words, emotions go to glorification of God. Karen Williams reminded us what Paul said in Romans, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."
In the end, Walter pointed out that it is a lesson in humility, and surrendering our all to God.
The in-depth devotional led the group a little behind schedule, functioning a bit more like Ugandans than Americans. Already they are transforming!!
The next stop was the house of Beatrice Langaratti, the director of FOCUS, and Pastor Walter's friend from seminary school in Massachusetts. Before the group left Midland for Uganda, they packed many suitcases full of goodies and needs for the Langaratti family. Beatrice and Vincent have 5 children, 2 of which are special needs. The mission group packed everything from school clothes to play-doh, from grapes seed oil to razors, all totaling 5 suitcases. The most significant gift was a special needs stroller for their son, Baraka, who is handicapped and currently has a broken leg.
As the group pulled up to the apartment complex of the Langarattis', they were greeted by all 5 children and Vincent. (Beatrice had left for a meeting, as the group was running behind!) The Langarattis were incredibly grateful for all the gifts. After playing with the children, the team prayed vigorously over the family, their health, their strength, and their cause.
Quickly the team embarked on the 5 hour ride to Mbale. Although Kampala and mBale are only 140 Miles apart, the ride takes quite a while due to traffic, poor road conditions, and a surplus of speed bumps through the towns and little villages.
After a brief stop to shop for some roadside pineapple they stopped in the city of Jinga to eat an FPC favorite: Ling Ling's. Yes, Ling Ling's is a Chinese food restaurant, just as the name sounds. Chinese food in Africa? That's what the team thought. But hey, Africa is closer to China than the USA.
Many of the new team members, including Pastor Rob, said it was some of the best Chinese food he had ever had.
In Mbale the group is staying in a new hotel this year: Wash and Wills Country Home. They arrived to Mbale around 5pm. What a day!
The team is thankful to have arrived safely at our final destination in Uganda! Glory to God for the blessings and adventures He gave the group today. Tomorrow will be the beginning of a new adventure and the team asks for your prayers. Please pray that God's wisdom beams through these Texans as they spread the Almighty's word.
Glory to God in the highest, indeed!
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