Sunday, June 15, 2014

Bukasacha Church Service

Today Robert White, Garrett Lang, Carter Goree, Michelle Harris, and Sharon Floyd went to the Bukasacha Church outside of Mbale. The man, women, and children all gathered in the church building to here the “teaching and preaching”. It was very different from the usual practice in that the sunday school was a joint teaching for all of the congregation instead of separate groups. Garrett Lang gave the “teaching” first. He taught on Ezekiel 44 and the difference between the inner court ministry and the outer court ministry. The outer court focuses on human needs: man’s need to be forgiven and the forgiven mans need to dedicate himself in usefulness to God. The inner court ministry looks to God and God alone in praise in adoration. When God is forced by the people to choose between the two he puts priority in the inner court and the relationship. Pastor Rob gave his sermon on the prodigal son. When we take our inheritance or gift that God has given us and go away from Him, our father, we live according to the world and the life of sin squanders the gift we have been given. But if we can come to our senses and realize the worthlessness of a life apart from The Father we can return or repent from the way our path has taken us and head home. The Father see’s us “afar off” and runs to us where we are, just as Jesus came to us in our sinful state and died for our rebellion and disobedience. The Father then clothed the son with the finest robe He had, just us God clothes us with Christ and our past is of no consequence because, we were lost, but now we are found; we were dead and we now can be alive again through Christ. Though no class was taught for women and children separately, Carter, Michelle, and Sharon loved playing with the kids and speaking with them for the time they had. The Spirit was palpable and the faith of the people was inspiring. They have faith God will provide instrument, a school nearby, and a teachers school in their future. Please pray for these things to come to pass for them. HalleluYa!

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