Sunday, June 15, 2014

Kamonkoli Church Service


The Kamonkoli group consisted of Greg Bartha, Carolyn Price, Richard Howard, Cynthia Howard and Megan Howard. We were greeted warmly and rushed away to our Sunday schools. We were quickly reminded that as much as you prepare for something, God may have other things in store. We planned for a mens' class, a womens' class, and a children's class and quickly the class schedule changed. Glory to God for letting the Holy Spirt take over our words. Loosing control and plans in these situations, really allowed us to praise and thank our God in the mightiest way.
    Cynthia taught the New Convert Class. Megan taught The Young Adult Class. Carolyn and Richard, the newest members to the mission team, single-handily took on their own Sunday school classes. Carolyn bravely taught the children, and worshiped with them throughout the class. She taught them songs with her guitar and praised Jesus with nearly 100 little smiling faces. Richard fearlessly taught the adult class, men and women! He preached about Moses and the excuses and fears he made to God in Exodus. Richard was confronted with many tough questions from the students, but powered through with the wisdom God gives us in tough situations such as those.
     After Sunday School, Dr. Bartha gave the sermon to the whole congregation. Dr. Bartha delivered the Good News, offering the great message that our God is forgiving and His love is everlasting. He taught the important miracles of Christ and related the importance of the message that Jesus gives us freedom. We are all prisoners of some sort, rather of our sin, of depression, of cruelty. These things can imprison us, but Jesus we can be free. The congregation really responded to Dr. Bartha's message. Hallelujah!

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